Thursday, October 29, 2009
As Time Flies By...
· Cyclical society evolution
o Most of history unravels in cycles
o With the advent of electronic media, massive amounts of information are pumped into mainstream society
§ With time will:
§ Censorship increase?
o Forced/ imposed censorship?
o Welcomed censorship?
· Censorship decrease?
o Totally free media in the wake of social “enlightenment”?
§ What constitutes social enlightenment? Is it brought on by mass media? Seclusion/personal study?
· Print culture vs. Orality
o With time:
§ Would society grow to depend more or less on print media?
· i.e. words as opposed to flash animation or dialogue such as the news is today?
o News is spoken; society watches and listens to reporters speak the news but will time put more emphasis on written information such as articles in an online newspaper or magazine?
§ Would society grow to depend more or less on visual information?
· Pictographic or live visual representations of information as opposed to written info?
o Would people begin to speak in abbreviated formats?
o Would that change language as a whole in orality?
§ An increasing need to shorten information in order to increase quantity?
· i.e.: text messaging, instant messaging (new languages?)
· Transference to speech from written?· If society evolves into a purely literary state, what consequences would result?
o Literacy = necessity?
o Loss of orality?
o Discrimination more prominent between literate and non literate people?
§ Superior = literate
§ Subordinate = illiterate
§ Purposeful and calculated education for breeding purposes?
Highlighted are the concepts that intrigue me the most. The idea that society could evolve into a purely literary state of consciousness where in all information is transferred through visual representations of concepts (words) and those who speak, or need to speak, in order to transfer information are somehow subordinate. On the converse side, those who are able to refrain from such a “backward” and “ancient” way of communication such as auditory speech are the intellectuals, the elite, the controlling echelon in such a society.
Such a short story would ask the question: What if society became a discriminatory totalitarian concept in which those who still speak, those who depend on Orality, are subordinate to those who communicate solely through textual transference? In order to research such a concept, I would have to study the direction that humanity has been traveling in with regards to textual media vs. visual information, it’s play in societies across the globe, it’s central or decentralization, and then project, though analysis of already recorded evolution, the direction society may be headed in at this point in history.
I’m not entirely sure if this is the exact direction I will be going in but I do know that what I write will be a social commentary on the conceptual ideologies of “advanced” or “remedial” as we discussed in class at the beginning of the semester. Just because it is different than the widely accepted norm doesn’t make it backwards ( ancient ways of oral communication were often more complex than standards today).
Monday, October 19, 2009
The Scent of Inspiration...
The Upturned Palms of Literacy.
This thing we know,
To know; To own.
It’s mine, this mind from which these
leap forth with fervor,
server to her,
who is their master. Faster on,
Oh Lettered Heralds, ‘pon feet
of fettered gossamer. The last of
honesty in fading, dimming light of
morning, mourning what
was lost in trusting, doing what
is known and must be harkened
on in dusted trussing,
crumbling down up the
Twisting, curling graying memories
pressed to paper with self same
lettering, kneeling for the eyes of
better men. Women in their shifting
shifts, with linguistic whips and swishing
hips of seductive language, hang their
pains with nails naught of copper, but of
literary fodder. All the hotter
grows the ember. Better, then,
to not remember but instead to
pass asunder, to the one who’s fingers
fester with the urge to push out words.
Produce the mind for purchase while the purchasers
lose their own. Home to ownership,
owning ships that sail the public sea,
seeming seaworthy, and sliding softly into
the upturned palms of literacy. They
may all read the thoughts that sit, placated
on the pallid page.
Pustules of protest,
capsules of contemplation, dressed in
alliteration, all accoutrements for a
coup de tat, housed in a box with a bow.
And arrow, pointed pointedly the way the
compass shows, too loud to hear,
to soft to ignore, the shower falling to the
The owner, owning.
Selling what is owned.
Moaning in libation to the
stationary on the table,
able to create and yet unable
to sate the hunger in the
belly of humanity: knowledge,
aNaRcHy in letters, all the better
not to remember?
But instead to
pass asunder, to the one who’s fingers
fester with the urge to push out
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Lemme think about it...
The way in which the tables were used interested me as well. Full thoughts and concepts were not put down on these tiny placards, but instead, table users simply put down snips of ideas for later contemplation when these thoughts were transferred to a common book. This truly reminded me of myself. When I write, there are times that I will just hop on the People Mover down town with my note book and write full, beautiful comments on life. There are other times when I can sit in the park all day and not come up with one intelligent or articulate thing to say. Such is inspiration: fleeting and fickle. But on those days when my mind is all but empty I’ll venture to write just a few words or phrases and leave them to marinate between the pages. I have found many a comment or strategically place words sitting in a journal or notebook that have flowered into full songs, stories or poems. This is because, for me, sometimes literary art is the hardest thing to force.
Monday, October 12, 2009
The History of Wood Engraving...
This week I explored the web site on The History of Wood Engraving. This site was set up by the University of North Texas and can be found at this address: Admittedly, I found myself surprised when I began to navigate this web site. There were a number of different links leading to everything from notable people in the craft throughout history to Kent Kessinger, the subject of the exhibit. The site was visually stimulating and the examples of the wood engraving prints were extrememly detailed but the information seemed sparse at best and left me less than satisfied.
To begin with, I first clicked on the link that seemed, of course, the most obvious: the Introduction. Here, one will find a wealth of information on the history of the craft, its uses and its main participants and influences. In this processes, trained craftsmen begin by carving out pictorial representations of what it is they want to print. Then, the newly created wooden image is inked and pressed against a piece of paper to transfer the image onto a more manageable medium. Wood engraving closely mimics the modern day stamp in that the raised portions of the original wooden image are what become transferred onto the paper.
One of the first notable artisans in this craft was a man named Thomas Bewick. Bewick was one of the influential craftsmen involved in making wood engraving into an illustrative art form. This process was quick and inexpensive to complete, especially because each engraving could be used multiple times if needed and would create the exact same image with each use so it became popular quite quickly. As demand for its use grew, the concept of wood engraving as an art form began to diminish and soon became just a common procedure for illustration reproduction. Eventually, wood engraving came full circle and became, once again, an artistic practice some time after the 1920’s.
After reading about the history of wood engraving in the introduction, one may want to learn more by clicking on the other links on the main page such as “Early Period”, “Late Period”, “Cover Design”, or “Periodicals”. Unfortunately, the extensive information in the introduction seems to be where said information ends. The rest of the site is mainly pictures and examples of such prints made from wood engraving. The titles “early period” and so on simply refer to when said prints were created, not more of a history of the development of wood engraving, as I believed they did. Continuing through the web site, I clicked on the link called The Works of Kent Kessinger, the gentlemen for which this entire site was created. I will admit, this man’s work was quite beautiful and did move me to go a bit easier on the rest of the site. There were clear and stunning abstract images on the site but I did find myself wondering where the examples of older works, with such realistic imagery and meticulous creation, would fit in with this more modernistic, abstract approach to the process.
I chose to report on this topic because I am an artist at heart and wood engraving seemed to me to be an interesting thing to learn about and experience. Truthfully, I chose this one because my first option was already taken and I wanted a topic that would peek my interest and make me want to actually traverse the site without feeling forced to do the work. My first impression of the site was that it was very simplistic, as though it was set up in a hurry as opposed to meticulously created by a web designer. I felt that the information on the site itself was a bit incomplete but the examples of the art work were beautiful and moving. Such dedication was required to create the wood engravings themselves that I would have been much more satisfied if a similar level of attention to detail and dedication was used for the site itself. Unfortunately, the site was bare and remedially formatted. The layout was simple enough, there were five links on the main page, each directing the viewer to what I previously believed to be different collections of information on wood engraving but, upon further investigation, found were lacking in information. The typography used for the links was easily legible and I believe it was set on the “engraving” style. Conversely, the fact that the words were merely oulines as opposed to dark, solid words made it a bit hard on the eyes when trying to navigate the site as opposed to the title which was bold enough to read without trouble. At the bottom of the page there were more links to different areas of the site including the mother site for UNT. Here it was a bit easier to read the links but the light blue type on the white background gave the words a luminescence that was slightly annoying. Not all of the links had a direct connection with the information on the site but they did have some correlation with the subject matter or, at least, had a connection through the sites “exhibition” quality. For example, one of the links, “Rare Book and Texana Collections” was a link to a different literary exibit that didn’t have anything to do with wood engraving but was still in the same family of art exhibitions. All of the graphic designs were examples of wood engraving prints and nicely complimented the subject matter of the site itself.
I do believe what little information given in this web site is reliable and valid. The site was created to house the more obvious concentration of Kent Kessinger’s artwork and, therefore, wasn’t really an all illumination exploration on the history of wood engraving, as the name implies. Never the less, that which was provided was concise and interesting, providing the surfer with useful information as they studied the various printings on the site. This site highlights the importance of “print” for me. It highlights the usefulness of a master cast of information, and how with the development of the printing press, rapid reproduction began to overshadow hand craftsmanship and art simply for arts sake. Unfortunately, the site doesn’t really explore this concept very deeply at all. Instead, in just a few sentences, it mentions how the practice of wood engraving became a strenuous task of “slavish reproduction” and then went back to an artistic medium later on in history. It would have been more interesting to address when and why such an artistic product became industrial and then morphed back into art. Despite its downfalls, I would recommend my class mates to visit this site because of its information on the notable people in the wood engraving industry. There is a wealth of information on the “Engravers and Illustrators” page, providing people with short histories and blips of information on a number of people through out the development of the process. I would also recommend the site to outsiders mainly for its artistic value. The examples of wood engraving on this site are truly lovely and could inspire other people to create their own personal art.
Letters and words with StYlE...
At first, I trudged along through the reading, wanting nothing more that for it to just go on and be over so I could move on to more interesting aspects of my education. But, my eyes stomped heavily across the words on the screen; I quickly became much more interested in what I was reading. See, they began to use diagrams that allowed me to not only see the technical side of the different styles of type, but the art in them. The different angles, minute variations in line angle, stoke size, they all pointed to the artistic flow of words in a visual sense as opposed to an analytical or intellectual sense. Things I had never really thought about were brought to my awareness and, even now, as I type this blog, I wonder if I could or would change the type to convey a mood, or perhaps just an abstract of my opinion.
I used to change the font on the computer according to “how I felt” that day, thinking it didn’t really make a difference and never really wondering where the different types of print even came from. But now I sit here scrolling through the different types of, well, type and I can’t help but see them in a new and much more appreciative light.